“Over 200,000 children have enjoyed a Suitcase Theatre performance in their school.”

Class Workshops

Our curriculum-based workshops promote:

  • Positive sense of identity and positive self-image through play-based activities building imagination, connections and cognitive skills

  • Exploration of virtues such as gratitude, peace, courage, love, forgiveness and compassion

  • Confidence building, character development and a love of the dramatic and visual arts

  • Self-regulation and turn-taking and co-operation during activities

  • Development of movement skills and concepts through dance and dramatic play

  • Dance Your Way: JK - Grade 8

  • What a Feeling: Grade 3-6

  • #LOL: Grade 4-6

  • We’ve Got Talent: Grade 3-6

Suitcase Theatre has also developed custom workshops in consultation with teachers and educators. Please connect with us to talk more at info@suitcasetheatre.com or 647-654-7529.